The Santa Experience (White Santa)

The Santa Experience (White Santa)

from $425.00

Welcome to the Santa Experience with AluraWayne Photography + Film! My goal is to not only capture sweet images of your children for the holidays- I want this to be their chance to have a one on one engagement with Santa that can’t be replicated in malls or other public spaces. Your family will be the only one in the studio with Santa for your time slot- I want to ensure that your children have the opportunity to have a memorable experience they can reflect on fondly for years to come. Santa will have various props to help engage children such as books, a special Santa key, bells, and so on. Props can be especially helpful for children who might be a little shy!

Session Dates: These sessions will take place on November 10th (Sunday) and November 11th (Monday/Veteran’s Day).

This session selection is for our WHITE SANTA. Please ensure you are booking with the correct Santa and date of your choosing. Sessions cannot be swapped out for a different time slot, date, or Santa once booked.

Your session will be 15 minutes long in the studio, utilizing our white, bright, natural environment along with our winter and holiday decor. Two sets will be available; the green velvet couch with greenery, and a bed set with Christmas decor for any children choosing not to engage with Santa.

Allowing children to be afraid, tearful, and/or forced to engage with Santa will not be permitted during these sessions. I do not believe in forcing children to be uncomfortable for the sake of a photo. We respect every human’s boundaries in our studio, no matter how big or how small! I understand every parent may want a perfect smiling photo of their child with Santa- our Santas are skilled at engaging with children at various comfort levels. Santa might read a book, show off Christmas themed props, sit next to children, or allow snuggles with children who are comfortable and eager to do so. Please allow these engagements to happen organically. Children forced into engagement often do not react well! The goal is to allow them to have a memorable experience while they feel safe and secure.

Your Santa Session gallery will include 15+ fully edited and custom retouched high resolution images available for download via a custom gallery link within two weeks of your studio session.

All sales are final. Any need for reschedules due to illness will take place on weekday hours with the Christmas set and props only (NO SANTA PRESENT) due to limited availability. Arriving late to your session may result in fewer images. You MUST arrive prior to your session in order to be ready at your start time. Sessions are scheduled back to back; your time slot is the only time available for your session and cannot be delayed in order to stay on schedule with every client. Please be camera ready at the start of your time slot.

Assistants will be present to help direct you in and out of the studio. Only one family will be permitted in the studio at a time; please be prepared to wait in your vehicles or outside of the studio until an assistant directs you to come inside for your scheduled time. This also allows for Santa to be at his best for your child(ten) at each session!

Santa Mini (White Santa):
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